Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Recap & Update- the road to um WoW

Wow, literally. It's been forever and a day since I updated this blog. So, I guess an update is in order.
I am no longer playing 3 MMOs. Previously, I was playing EQ2, SWG, as well as WoW. Now, well... my husband is playing WoW full time. I'm playing ROSE Online (/gasp do I dare sense another blog in the works? possibly... I haven't decided yet =p) Well, I play that 90% of the time I play an MMO.

We ditched the other toons though that we were originally playing. Andre's friend Jared and his other friend Raphael, were playing on other servers and asked us to join there. I stopped playing my little gnomer ice/arcane mage before moving on to my night elf druid o'hotness. That lasted until about level 30 or so, because at that point, raiding really started happening more for me. Alot of shit hit the fan, and I switched servers in EQ2 and guilds as well. (I quit playing SWG at that time as well)
I rode the wave of fame there in EQ2 with this guild who shall remain nameless. Don't get me wrong, they were organized. But like a lot of high end guilds in MMOs, there was alot of unnecessary drama and bullshit.
Looking back, I know that I had to leave the server to get away from the nastiness that was Mivius back in EQ2. Perhaps I should have moved on to WoW then. I had a great rep on my home server. And, even though I had items and things... it still wasn't enough to make me happy in the end. Proof, once and for all, that money and things cannot truly buy you happiness. Ironic how it is that you learn something like that from a fantasy atmospere huh?
Well, after the Desert of Flames expansion came out- in which they turned uber to loser as far as how our characters were combat wise (gotta love that nerf stick, huh?), we were hearing the echoes again from Jared to come and play WoW again.
I had more important things like my family to want to play with and take care of. I really didn't have time for the games my fellow guildmates played anymore. I didn't care for their lack of appreciation for all that I had given up for them. They brushed me aside so callously, it was ridiculous. These people were people who had nothing outside of their little game... whereas I had everything they ever wanted-- I don't have to work, and I have a significant other that worships the ground I walk on. I guess envy just got the best of them.
So, I slowly stopped coming on EQ2. I wrote a note saying that I would be taking some time away from the game to go on a vacation. I was killing myself being on at all hours of the night with a family "on the side." They said they understood. I talked to people a couple days before I left. It was just a weekend trip- 3 days to go to my sister's wedding.
When I came back I was deguilded. How lovely right? No notice or anything in my mailbox- neither in game or online. No, sending me a tell to explain anything when I logged in. Silence. Just poof, you're out.
I had to laugh a bit at that. I stopped playing EQ2 quickly after. My husband and I reacctivated our WoW accounts. It was for the best. We were going to do what we started doing in the first place... we were going to play a game together. And hell or high water get in the way, it would be that way no matter how many people had a problem with it. I know, I have such high standards... I said "my family comes first before any game" and I meant it. I was going to actually follow through now.
So now, um WoW.
Back to the druid and Andre's warlock now. This was on another server. We played casually for months then. Jared would help us out on instance runs. Having burnt out on the evils of the whole high end gaming scene, I really just wanted to relax and enjoy the game. The fun part was that I was with him. Everything was so much better that way.
As time would pass, my former guild would soon realize as well, how bad the high end game had become on EQ2. The drops (or lack thereof) and all out bashing that Sony did to that game would soon be acknowledged by many high end guilds. Slowly, all the "ubers" of the old game, were disappearing. The "big" guild from my first server, had all long sold their characters and moved on. Now, my last guild was going to follow suit as well.
Ironic as it were, they decided to come and try WoW. They had bashed the game for such a long time previously (just as I admit to have done the same). I did have some friends in guild, and wanted to take the opportunity to play with some of them. Of course, it would not work out. They went to play on a PvP server (note, I hate PvP, I just wanted to play with some of the people I had called "friends" back in those days). I talked to them. I even helped some of them with advice and such- since now me and Anj were now "vets" of the game. I was trying to put the past behind me... to let bygones be bygones. But people still held true to their envy and petty nonsense. Even people I thought I would not lose faith in, turned away.
I stayed on that server no longer than a week. Horray for another week wasted on iddiots. Fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame on me. For shame! I should've seen that one coming /doh
A mixed blessing happened then as well. Jared said he was going to make an evil aligned character on a new server. He invited us to join him there. My eyebrows perked at the thought of the mounts and the class I couldn't play on the alliance side. Having played briefly in my spare time on an evil server, I was eager to jump at this. I had not been able to get them to play over there before.
That's almost the end of the story up to date lol.
Andre is playing an undead priest. I picked a troll shaman. I love my shaman. So does Andre now. I was playing pretty regularly with him for some time. We joined this guild that Jared was in. They have to be the nicest people that I have ever encountered in an MMO. It was/is a great guild experience for once.
Jared later decided to move on to bigger and better things. He wanted to raid and all that. So, he left the guild to go to another one. Andre and I stayed. For us, it was the journey, not the end loot and fame that motivated us to play.
Things in that guild just didn't work for the most part. There were few of us that were regular log ins. So, the guild disbanded to later reform with the regular playing players.
Around this time or a little bit before rather, my pregnancy really started to take a toll on me physically. I took a time out completely from gaming as a whole. I now play a little bit here and there as far as MMOs are conserned. But, I'm no where near the amount of time I put in before. I also write a few other blogs- one of which is a video game blog reviews. I won't lie, I have played quite a few console games and such in the time being. I guess, I just need something fresh every once in awhile, so I need to rotate my game repitoire.
As it stands, Andre is currently boxing his priest and playing my shaman. I try and peek in here and there on occasion, but I'm just not feeling it completely at the moment.
I will blog here and there on WoW, but for the time being this is probably not going to be updated as often as I would like. Whew, that is a lot of typing... so "dat's da story on dat."